Pricelist - Boderne No. 1

  • Lovely sea view
  • Holiday apartments for 2-4 people
  • Close to the beach
  • Quietly located
  • Cottage for 6 people
  • Coveted area
kort Boderne

Boderne No. 1 - Pricelist (Prices in EUR)

The price list is divided into two parts
* A price list when you book the transport to Bornholm yourself.
* A price list where the Ystad-Rønne ferry is included (car including up to 5 people). If you choose a price where the ferry is included, we will book the tickets for you.

You get a price guarantee
* * We guarantee that you cannot buy the stay at a cheaper price than with us. With us, you order directly at the resort without expensive intermediaries.

Included in your price
Included in the prices for Boderne No. 1 are:
* Cleaning on arrival/departure
* Power, water and heat consumption
* Free sickness cancellation insurance

Flexible periods and arrival days
In almost all periods, you can arrive and depart on all days of the week (with exception for the holiday home "Havhytten"). As a starting point, there are therefore no fixed changeover days, and you do not need to rent for whole weeks. You are thus also very welcome on mini-holidays of, for example, 3-4 days, just as you can choose the cheapest travel days with the ferry (Monday-Tuesday-Wednesday-Thursday). If you are in doubt about what the price for your stay will be, you can enter your desired arrival and departure date in the inquiry box at the top of the page, and the price will appear.

Prices per holiday home in EUR for stay WITHOUT transport to Bornholm

Boderne Nr. 1

Apartment for 2 people with sea view
From To 3 nights Extra night Price per week Extra week
28-04-2024 04-05-2024 31171524427
05-05-2024 11-05-2024 30369510413
12-05-2024 08-06-2024 30369510413
09-06-2024 15-06-2024 506136915818
16-06-2024 22-06-2024 32777557460
23-06-2024 29-06-2024 34984602504
30-06-2024 06-07-2024 427110757660
07-07-2024 13-07-2024 502135906809
14-07-2024 27-07-2024 531145966868
28-07-2024 03-08-2024 502135906809
04-08-2024 17-08-2024 431111766669
18-08-2024 31-08-2024 34984602504
01-09-2024 07-09-2024 33479570473
08-09-2024 21-09-2024 30369510413
22-09-2024 12-10-2024 30369509411
13-10-2024 19-10-2024 31171524427
20-10-2024 31-10-2024 30971522424

Apartment for 2 people with panoramic sea views
From To 3 nights Extra night Price per week Extra week
28-04-2024 04-05-2024 33379569472
05-05-2024 11-05-2024 32676555458
12-05-2024 08-06-2024 32676555458
09-06-2024 15-06-2024 536146974877
16-06-2024 22-06-2024 34984602504
23-06-2024 29-06-2024 37291646549
30-06-2024 06-07-2024 449117801704
07-07-2024 13-07-2024 531145966868
14-07-2024 27-07-2024 5691571.040943
28-07-2024 03-08-2024 531145966868
04-08-2024 17-08-2024 454119810713
18-08-2024 31-08-2024 37291646549
01-09-2024 07-09-2024 35686615517
08-09-2024 21-09-2024 32676555458
22-09-2024 12-10-2024 31874539442
13-10-2024 19-10-2024 33379569472
20-10-2024 31-10-2024 32576552455

Apartment for 2 people
From To 3 nights Extra night Price per week Extra week
28-04-2024 04-05-2024 29666495397
05-05-2024 11-05-2024 28964481383
12-05-2024 08-06-2024 28964481383
09-06-2024 15-06-2024 498134900802
16-06-2024 22-06-2024 31272527430
23-06-2024 29-06-2024 33479571474
30-06-2024 06-07-2024 412105727630
07-07-2024 13-07-2024 494132891794
14-07-2024 27-07-2024 531145966868
28-07-2024 03-08-2024 494132891794
04-08-2024 17-08-2024 416106735638
18-08-2024 31-08-2024 33479571474
01-09-2024 07-09-2024 31974540443
08-09-2024 21-09-2024 28964481383
22-09-2024 12-10-2024 28864480382
13-10-2024 19-10-2024 29666495397
20-10-2024 31-10-2024 29566492395

Apartment for 2-4 people with sea view
From To 3 nights Extra night Price per week Extra week
28-04-2024 04-05-2024 36085613508
05-05-2024 11-05-2024 35382600495
12-05-2024 08-06-2024 35382600495
09-06-2024 15-06-2024 6811921.2561.150
16-06-2024 22-06-2024 38292659553
23-06-2024 29-06-2024 472122838732
30-06-2024 06-07-2024 528141949843
07-07-2024 13-07-2024 6771901.2471.142
14-07-2024 27-07-2024 7362101.3661.260
28-07-2024 03-08-2024 6771901.2471.142
04-08-2024 17-08-2024 532142958852
18-08-2024 31-08-2024 472122838732
01-09-2024 07-09-2024 38994672566
08-09-2024 21-09-2024 35282597491
22-09-2024 12-10-2024 34580584478
13-10-2024 19-10-2024 36085613508
20-10-2024 31-10-2024 35282597491

Cottage for 6 people with panoramic sea views
From To 3 nights Extra night Price per week Extra week
24-03-2024 30-03-2024 6671671.1671.000
31-03-2024 04-05-2024 8482271.5281.361
05-05-2024 11-05-2024 8312211.4951.327
12-05-2024 08-06-2024 8312211.4951.327
09-06-2024 15-06-2024 1.2573632.3462.178
16-06-2024 22-06-2024 9582641.7491.581
23-06-2024 29-06-2024 1.1073132.0471.879
30-06-2024 06-07-2024 1.2453592.3232.156
07-07-2024 13-07-2024 1.3944092.6212.454
14-07-2024 27-07-2024 1.5434592.9192.752
28-07-2024 03-08-2024 1.3944092.6212.454
04-08-2024 17-08-2024 1.2573632.3462.178
18-08-2024 31-08-2024 1.1073132.0471.879
01-09-2024 07-09-2024 9752691.7821.615
08-09-2024 21-09-2024 8262191.4841.317
22-09-2024 12-10-2024 6621651.156988
13-10-2024 19-10-2024 8482271.5281.361
20-10-2024 31-10-2024 6781701.1891.022

Prices per holiday home in EUR for stay INCLUDING ferry Ystad-Rønne round trip

Boderne Nr. 1

Apartment for 2 people with sea view
From To 3 nights Extra night Price per week Extra week
28-04-2024 04-05-2024 37071583427
05-05-2024 11-05-2024 36369569413
12-05-2024 08-06-2024 36369569413
09-06-2024 15-06-2024 6251361.034818
16-06-2024 22-06-2024 44677676460
23-06-2024 29-06-2024 46884720504
30-06-2024 06-07-2024 546110876660
07-07-2024 13-07-2024 6201351.025809
14-07-2024 27-07-2024 6501451.084868
28-07-2024 03-08-2024 6201351.025809
04-08-2024 17-08-2024 550111885669
18-08-2024 31-08-2024 40984661504
01-09-2024 07-09-2024 39379630473
08-09-2024 21-09-2024 36369569413
22-09-2024 12-10-2024 36269568411
13-10-2024 19-10-2024 37071583427
20-10-2024 31-10-2024 35471566424

Apartment for 2 people with panoramic sea views
From To 3 nights Extra night Price per week Extra week
28-04-2024 04-05-2024 39379629472
05-05-2024 11-05-2024 38676615458
12-05-2024 08-06-2024 38676615458
09-06-2024 15-06-2024 6541461.093877
16-06-2024 22-06-2024 46884720504
23-06-2024 29-06-2024 49091765549
30-06-2024 06-07-2024 568117920704
07-07-2024 13-07-2024 6501451.084868
14-07-2024 27-07-2024 6871571.159943
28-07-2024 03-08-2024 6501451.084868
04-08-2024 17-08-2024 572119929713
18-08-2024 31-08-2024 43191705549
01-09-2024 07-09-2024 41586674517
08-09-2024 21-09-2024 38676615458
22-09-2024 12-10-2024 37774598442
13-10-2024 19-10-2024 39379629472
20-10-2024 31-10-2024 36976596455

Apartment for 2 people
From To 3 nights Extra night Price per week Extra week
28-04-2024 04-05-2024 35566554397
05-05-2024 11-05-2024 34864540383
12-05-2024 08-06-2024 34864540383
09-06-2024 15-06-2024 6171341.018802
16-06-2024 22-06-2024 43172646430
23-06-2024 29-06-2024 45379690474
30-06-2024 06-07-2024 531105846630
07-07-2024 13-07-2024 6131321.010794
14-07-2024 27-07-2024 6501451.084868
28-07-2024 03-08-2024 6131321.010794
04-08-2024 17-08-2024 535106854638
18-08-2024 31-08-2024 39479631474
01-09-2024 07-09-2024 37874599443
08-09-2024 21-09-2024 34864540383
22-09-2024 12-10-2024 34864539382
13-10-2024 19-10-2024 35566554397
20-10-2024 31-10-2024 33966537395

Apartment for 2-4 people with sea view
From To 3 nights Extra night Price per week Extra week
28-04-2024 04-05-2024 41985673508
05-05-2024 11-05-2024 41382660495
12-05-2024 08-06-2024 41382660495
09-06-2024 15-06-2024 8001921.3751.150
16-06-2024 22-06-2024 50192778553
23-06-2024 29-06-2024 591122957732
30-06-2024 06-07-2024 6461411.068843
07-07-2024 13-07-2024 7951901.3661.142
14-07-2024 27-07-2024 8552101.4851.260
28-07-2024 03-08-2024 7951901.3661.142
04-08-2024 17-08-2024 6511421.077852
18-08-2024 31-08-2024 531122897732
01-09-2024 07-09-2024 44894731566
08-09-2024 21-09-2024 41182657491
22-09-2024 12-10-2024 40480644478
13-10-2024 19-10-2024 41985673508
20-10-2024 31-10-2024 39682642491

Cottage for 6 people with panoramic sea views
From To 3 nights Extra night Price per week Extra week
24-03-2024 30-03-2024 7121671.2121.000
31-03-2024 04-05-2024 8922271.5721.361
05-05-2024 11-05-2024 8902211.5541.327
12-05-2024 08-06-2024 8902211.5541.327
09-06-2024 15-06-2024 1.3753632.4652.178
16-06-2024 22-06-2024 1.0772641.8671.581
23-06-2024 29-06-2024 1.2263132.1651.879
30-06-2024 06-07-2024 1.3643592.4422.156
07-07-2024 13-07-2024 1.5134092.7402.454
14-07-2024 27-07-2024 1.6624593.0382.752
28-07-2024 03-08-2024 1.5134092.7402.454
04-08-2024 17-08-2024 1.3753632.4652.178
18-08-2024 31-08-2024 1.1663132.1061.879
01-09-2024 07-09-2024 1.0342691.8411.615
08-09-2024 21-09-2024 8852191.5431.317
22-09-2024 12-10-2024 7211651.215988
13-10-2024 19-10-2024 9072271.5881.361
20-10-2024 31-10-2024 7231701.2331.022

Ferry surcharge 2024

Additional charge for the ferry on Fridays, Saturdays, and Sundays between 1/1-21/4 2024 and 21/10-31/12 2024 
* For arrivals and departures on Fridays, Saturdays, and Sundays, there will be an additional weekend charge for ferry tickets of 7 EUR each way.  

Additional charge for the ferry on Fridays, Saturdays, and Sundays between 22/4-9/6 2024 and 12/8-20/10 2024 
* For arrivals and departures on Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays, there will be an additional weekend charge for ferry tickets of 30 EUR each way.

Additional charge for the ferry on Fridays, Saturdays, and Sundays between 10/6-11/8 2024
* For arrivals and departures on Fridays and Sundays, there will be an additional weekend charge for ferry tickets of 52 EUR each way.
* For arrivals and departures on Saturdays, there will be an additional weekend charge for ferry tickets of 127 EUR each way.

Book your holiday now
Book your holiday at Boderne No.1 by entering your preferred arrival date in the booking box at the top of this site – or call us now on +45 56 95 85 66, and we will provide you with great tips and advice for a lovely holiday on Bornholm.

Enjoy yourself in the lovely nature area by Boderne

Enjoy yourself in the lovely nature area by Boderne

Price and availability


When are you leaving?

Didn't find what you were looking for?

Call us:

Monday - Thursday: 09:00 AM - 04:00 PM
Friday: 09:00 AM - 03:30 PM
Saturday - Sunday: Access to the emergency phone
We answer the phone during opening hours, but if you need urgent help, you can always reach our emergency phone.


+45 56 95 85 66

You will get the best price
With us, you are booking directly at the holiday location - ensuring you the best price. Our price always includes cleaning, electricity, and free cancellation insurance. No hidden fees!

Book your stay with a Safety-Guarantee, which ensures that you can cancel your holiday for free.

Plane- and ferry tickets
We are happy to help you book your plane and ferry tickets free of charge.

Optional arrival dary
At almost all of our holiday locations, you have the option of arriving and departing any day of the week, and as such, you do not need to book for whole weeks.